李重阳, 女 ,汉族,1961年10月6日生,理学博士,教授,硕士研究生导师;甘肃省优秀专家,甘肃省“555”创新工程人才,甘肃省刑事科学技术省级重点学科带头人。从事刑事化验、微量物证检验鉴定教学和研究工作,发表学术论文70余篇,其中SCI、EI论文14篇;获公安部科技进步奖、甘肃省科技进步奖等、甘肃省社科成果奖、甘肃省高校科技进步奖、甘肃省高校社科成果奖等专业技术奖励20余项,出版专著教材3部。
1. 甘肃省优秀专家,2006年12月;
2. 甘肃省555创新人才,2005年2月;
3. 《稀土络合物荧光剂显现潜指印的研究》,公安部科技进步三等奖, 2003年10月;
2. 兴奋剂分析检测新方法研究,留学人员科技活动项目,2011年12月立项;
3. 新型荧光剂显现潜指印的研究.,公安部项目,公科研[1999]138号立项,2001年4月通过省级鉴定,甘科鉴字[2001]第048号鉴定结论:国内领先,国际先进。
1. Separation and Determination of β2-Agonists in Swine Feed Using Field-Amplified On-Line Sample Stacking Method by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 32; 2135–2145, 2009. (美国,SCI检索)
2. Study on the Direct Developing of a Latent Fingerprint Using a New Fluorescent Developer, J. Forensic Identification, 54(6), 653-659, 2004. (美国)
3. Simultaneous Separation and Determination of Cu(Ⅱ), Fe(Ⅲ) and Pb(Ⅱ) by Reversed-phase Ion-pair Chromatography with N, N, N', N' –Ethylenediaminetetrakis (Methylenephosphonic Acid), Chromatographia, 54,114-116, 2001.(德国,SCI检索)
4. Determination of Stability Constants of Cu (II), Fe (III) and Pb (II) Chelates with EDTMP by RPIPC, Chromatographia,,46 (9-10), 489-494, 1997.(德国,SCI检索)
5. Separetion and Detection of Lanthanide Ions with Nitrilotri(methylenephosphonic) Acid as Complexing Agent and Eluent by IPC, Rare Metals, 19(2), 136-140,2000.(中国,SCI检索)
6. Determination of Composition of Chelate EDTMP with Metal Ions by RPIPC, Rare Metals, 17(4), 256-258, 1998. (中国,EI检索)
7. Composition Determination of Rare Earth Complexes by HPLC. Analytical Letters, 29 (9), 1637-1645, 1996.(美国,SCI检索)
8. Stabilization Induced by Gelatin in the Spectrofluorometric Assay of Terbium (III) Ions Using TMA, The Analyst, 120, 2081-2084, 1995. (英国,SCI检索)
9. Determination of Heroyin Based on Analyte Pulse Perturbation to an Oscilliating Chemical Reaction, CHEM. RES. CHINESE U. 20(5), 534-538. 2004. (中国,SCI检索)
10. Enantioseperation of Some Racemic Compounds on Cellulose Tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) Chiral Stationary Phase, Chinese Chemical Letters,11(8), 731-734, 2000. (中国,SCI检索)
11. Separation and determination of inorganic cations in beverages by capillary electrophoresis with indirect UV detection, central European Journal of Chemistry, 2008. 10, (欧洲,SCI检索)
12. Separation and determination of six metal cations by capillary zone electrophoresis, J. Chil. Chem. Soc., 52 (4), 1314-1317, 2007(智利,SCI检索)
13. Determination of Heroyin Based on Analyte Pulse Perturbation to an Oscilliating Chemical Reaction, CHEM. RES. CHINESE U. 20(5), 534-538. 2004. (中国,SCI检索)
14. 指纹显现技术发展综述,中国人民公安大学学报,3, 22-27, 2003.
15. 新型荧光显现剂邻苯二甲酸-铕-邻菲罗啉-表面活性剂SDS的研究,中国人民公安大学学报,2,27-29,2002.
16. 一种新型潜指印荧光显现剂的研究,中国人民公安大学学报,1,11-13, 2001.
17. 常见家畜毛的扫描电镜检验, 中国人民公安大学学报,4, 14-16, 1999.
18. 薄层色谱法鉴别口红, 刑事技术, 2, 21-24, 1999.
19. 西北毒品违法犯罪重点整治地区的调查与思考,甘肃政法学院学报,6,91-95,2003.
20. 海洛因对别罗索夫-扎鲍京斯基震荡化学反应的影响及其分析应用,分析化学,32(5),611-614,2004.
21. 注射海洛因、麻黄素对仔鼠下丘脑、海马组织结构及胆碱乙酰基转移酶活性的影响. 解剖学报, 2009 , 40(6),862-868,2009.